The Torture Trial
George W. Bush

A novel by Joseph Suste - HOME PAGE

Book Cover

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The Torture Trial of George W. Bush peels back a deceitful veneer of political gamesmanship to expose travesties committed against our fundamental human values and the US Constitution.

The narrative exposes the criminal actions of individuals who continue to make bold assertions that torture was necessary and that the torturers are above the law. It does not redeem us, the American people, of our culpability. Crimes have been committed and we have yet to meet our responsibility to prosecute the perpetrators.

The story unfolds within the bounds of existing statutes and develops a practical approach for bringing the perpetrators to justice, the first step in any attempt at reconciliation.

There is realism in the background which relies heavily on information gathered by professional journalists and investigators around the world. The legal basis is drawn from US Code and the published opinions of qualified legal experts. Here is a work of fiction, with fictional paladins reacting to the actions of non-fictional characters and historical events. We can envision real people following in the footsteps of the story's protagonists.

It is only necessary to find the courage to act.

President George W. Bush admitted on a recorded video that he authorized the waterboarding torture of Abu Zubayda, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri.

This video clip is taken from a CSPAN video of President George W. Bush speaking to a live audience about events recorded in his book Decision Points at the Miami Book Fair International on November 14, 2010.

Click here for the entire video

The Torture Trial of George W. Bush has been recorded in audio book form

Click the play arrow below to hear the author read:

Chapter 1 of "The Torture Trial of George W. Bush"

Click the play arrow below to hear the author read:

Chapter 2 of "The Torture Trial of George W. Bush"

Click here to listen to the entire audio book

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